Kathmandu - the pioneer of Buddhism in Nepal

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Nepal is renowned to host the world's largest Buddhist stupa. Christened as Boudhanath stupa, this 14th century stupa is 11 km from Kathmandu. Coveted as the UNESCO world heritage in 1979, this super popular place is worshipped by a huge population of Tibetan refugees. It entombs the remains of Kassapa Buddha and has numerous monasteries and nunneries surrounding it.

This place must be visited by the spiritual seekers. You can easily get flights to Kathmandu from where you can reach here through private taxies or buses or vans. The transportation is nominal and you will reach here at affordable cost. Once you reach Kathmandu airport just hire a taxi to Boudhanath Stupa main gate.

Once you reach this heavenly place, make sure you explore it well. You can visit the 50 Gompas (Monasteries and Nunneries) situate here. Make sure you maintain the decorum of the place and do not disturb the red clad monks and nuns of this place. Go bare footed to the main stupa complex and circumambulate the shrine in clockwise direction.

Chanting mantras and rolling prayer wheels in clockwise direction. Meditators can enjoy a great time diving in their own self. For this quiet time with yourself you must check flights to Kathmandu and make an early booking. For tourists there are numerous hotels, guest houses, rental cottages, restaurants and cafes for a comfortable stay.

So, all you seekers of inner peace, just book your flights to Kathmandu and explore this Divine place for creating memories of lifetime!!


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